I'm in Scottsdale right now. Relaxing on the lounge chair in our hotel garden room. Lovely. Left Coast Crime was just great. Really well organized and in a spectacular setting to boot. The La Fonda Hotel is a historic old hotel and was a wonderful place for the conference even if it was difficult to find some of the rooms at times. We arrived a day early and went to Taos which was just fabulous. Loved poking around Santa Fe and buying jewellry and eating great meals.
Then it was on to Phoenix. We decided to drive rather than fly and see the sites. What there is of them. We spent the night in Holbrook, Arizona "the town too tough for women and churches." About all I can say if the women left Holbrook it was because it's so darned boring. We had an expensive, yet dreadful dinner, and stayed in a second-rate hotel. Oh, well, all part of the experience. The next day we stopped at a state park outside of Winslow and had a wonderful tour of the ruins. You know what Winslow, Arizona is famous for, right? Take it easy.
In Scottsdale we're staying at the Hotel Valley Ho, which is definately not second-rate. It's more like a resort than a city hotel. We've been relaxing around the pool with rum and pineapple drinks.
Last night I was at the Poisoned Pen with R.J. Harlick and Wayne Arthurson for a enjoyable discussion with Barbara Peters and this afternoon we're off to Glendale to the Velma Teague Library to visit with Lesa Holstine and tonight I'm speaking to the Scottsdale Society of Women Writers at the Chaparell Suites hotel.
As a reminder: The Poisoned Pen got copies of Among the Departed five weeks before release date. So if you want a signed copy: sales@poisonedpen.com