Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Malice Domestic

Are you going to Malice Domestic? If so, come up and say Hi. I'm driving down with Mary Jane Maffini and Robin (R.J.) Harlick so I know that just getting there is going to be fun. After Malice, we're bouncing down the road to Oakmont, PA, to the hugely popular Festival Of Mystery put on by Mystery Lovers Bookstore. http://mysterylovers.com/. That event is Monday May 3rd. Joining us for that leg of the trip will be Joanne Dobson, who has just brought out a book from Posioned Pen Press. I've never met Joanne, but have read her Karen Pelletier books and loved them. I am hosting a table at Malice for the Saturday night dinner, and I have some prizes. Hint: so popular and so hard to get that Oprah wore them on her show. Second hint, different prize: when I found out that this item is all the rage in New York, I phoned my daughter in Toronto to get me one.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Canadian Mystery Writers in Picton

This picture was taken in Picton, Ontario last week at a mystery authors night at Books and Company. In the picture, Violette Milan, me (in the hat), Rick Blechta, Janet Kellough, Michael Blair, J.D. Carpenter, Mary Jane Maffini.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Police Training

I'm really looking foward to today and tomorrow. I am going to a secret location to watch police training. I've been invited by a police department to sit on on two days of training. This is one of the things I love most about being a writer, the chance to experience things I wouldn't do in the normal course of my life. I blogged a while ago about a police officer friend who came to my house to teach me some fighting techniques. What she called Close Quarters Combat. Not that anyone needs to quake in fear when they pass me, I was doing more writing down what she told me than doing it, but it gave me plenty of much-needed material for my books.

If you're still only thinking about coming to Bloody Words, the Canadian mystery convention that starts on May 28 and need some incentive: My friend will be giving a workshop and demonstration titled "Close Quarters Combat: Keeping Police Officers Safe." She might even be demonstrating on me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Talk at Toronto Reference Library.

On Monday April 19th, I will be speaking at the Toronto Reference library at 7;00 PM. My talk will be followed by a tour of the Conan Doyle Collection. Beeton Auditorium. The Library is at 789 Yonge Street Toronto, 416) 393-7131. That's at Bloor Street.

My topic is:

Tradition and Today: Making the Detective Novel Your Own. Canadian author Vicki Delany writes both modern police procedural novels and historical mysteries. She discusses the joys and perils of each with emphasis on the pleasures, and limitations, of writing historical fiction

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Contest for Twitter Users

If you got here from Twitter, let me explain. I am trying to learn Twitter and decided this might be a good way to have something to say. I have already chosen the winners of last weeks contest and their copies of Gold Fever: A Klondike Mystery are on the way. So here's another one. Read the paragraph below and tell me what is the name of the love-struck ex boxing champion. OR you can go to my web page and read the first chapter of the book and tell me from what river Angus saves the woman. Send me an email to vicki at vickidelany dot com, or use the contact link on the web page. Many thanks. Contest ends on Tuesday April 6th.