Sunday, December 31, 2017

A Busy Year Ahead in 2018

Happy New Year to All!

2017 was a pretty good year for me, and I've got a jam packed 2018 already scheduled.

So you can get your reading list ready, here's my production schedule.

January 9, 2018.  Paperback release of BODY ON BAKER STREET

February 13: Release of THE CAT OF THE BASKERVILLES, the third Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery

June 12: release of THE SPOOK IN THE STACKS, the fourth Lighthouse Library mystery by Eva Gates

October 9: paperback release of THE CAT OF THE BASKERVILLES

October: release of BLUE WATER HUES, the second Ashley Grant Mystery (this is a Rapid Reads novella) 

November 14: release of A Scandal in the Bookshop (tentative title) the fourth Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery

Projects to complete in 2018:

The fourth Year Round Christmas mystery for Penguin Random House

The fifth Lighthouse Library mystery for Crooked Lane

The fifth Sherlock Holmes Bookshop mystery for Crooked Lane

Essay "Sherlock Holmes is Like..." for Christopher Redmond's anthology on Sherlock and popular culture

Essay: "Women as People in the Sherlock Holmes Canon" for Villains, Victims, and Violets from the Studious Scarlets Society


February 11, Speech to Muskoka Writers Association, Bracebridge, Ontario

April 27: Malice Domestic Conference in Bethesda, Maryland

May 9: Cozy Con in Scottsdale Arizona

August 31/Sept 1. Women Killing It Festival in Prince Edward County, Ontario


  1. Wow! I'm exhausted just reading this list. Best of luck to you as you accomplish it (and I have no doubt you will).

  2. Love the list but miss Molly.Ruth Nixon

  3. I'm with Ruth Nixon. I miss Molly, too! But I love all your books! Keep on writing!!!

  4. I miss Molly too! Unfortunately, even I have only so many hours in the day, and my other projects take all my time. But, I do hope to get back to Trafalgar one day.

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